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Camera+ adalah salah aplikasi wajib bagi pengguna iPhone baik itu iPhone lama maupun iPhone terbaru. Terutama bagi mereka yang sering narsis di depan kamera dan suka fotografi.Aplikasi Camera+ menawarkan banyak fitur yang tidak terdapat pada aplikasi kamera default standar bawaan di iPhone.

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Hasil jepretan yang dihasilkan Camera+ lebih bersih dan lebih jelas dibandingkan sendiri.Fitur lainnya, Camera+ juga dapat memberikan efek, mengatur komposisi dan cropping gambar dengan sangat mudah. Setelah foto anda selesai dibuat anda bisa langsung membagikannya ke berbagai media sosial seperti Twitter, Facebook, instagram atau lainnya. Kita juga bisa menyimpan foto tersebut disimpan di Camera Roll.Screenshot Camera+ iPhoneDeveloper: tap tap tapHarga: $0.99latest update: new version 6.1.1Ukuran: 53 MB. Batteries run out quickly, users iPhone 4S SatisfiedBatteries run out quickly, users iPhone 4S SatisfiedApple iPhone 4S may be buffeted by rumors, such as batteries are wasteful. However, the owners of this smartphone still mostly satisfied with their performance.iPhone 4S indeed be the fastest selling smartphone in Apple's history. In the first week debut marketing, the handset is sold 4 million units.According to research from ChangeWave, the iPhone smartphone 4S also be the most satisfactory in the eyes of users.

As many as 96% of iPhone owners 4S happy with the handset.Even 77% of them admitted very satisfied. Only 1% are stated very dissatisfied with the iPhone 4S. Similarly, as reported by FoxNews and quoted on Monday.That figure is higher than ChangeWave dibesut similar study for the iPhone 4. Previously, the iPhone 4 got a 93% satisfaction rate.Although generally satisfied, there is clearly a disappointment to the iPhone 4S.

According to ChangeWave, durability of the battery so that the subject complaint, filed by 38% of respondents. Another major complaint is the lack of 4G features and the small screen.While the most preferred feature is Siri, who is able to recognize voice commands with impressive, and the new 8-megapixel camera. How to Download Application iPhone 4s without iTunesHow to Download Application iPhone 4s without iTunesYou just bought an iPhone and want to install the various applications through the iPhone App Store, the question now Can we install Applications iPhone without iTunes (iTunes account)? The simple answer would be: NO.ITunes account is required for you to install various applications on the Apple iPhone App Store. So after you get an iPhone the first step that must be done is to create an iTunes account.Then what if you still want to install an iPhone application without iTunes.

Firmware Iphone 4s Terbaru

Firmware Iphone 4s Terbaru Download

The best way is to do first JailBreak on your iPhone. But of course this JailBreak process will eliminate the warranty of your iPhone.Once you do JailBreak, then you can install Cydia Installer, where with this application you will be able to download hundreds of free iPhone apps without needing to use iTunes account.

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Apa itu Siri for iPhone 4SSiri, merupakan piranti lunak yang memanfaatkan suara untuk melakukan tanya jawab, memberi rekomendasi, serta melakukan sejumlah perintah yang terintegrasi layanan web, lokasi, atau pun video.Siri memang menjadi salah satu fitur paling menarik di iPhone 4S.Siri adalah teknologi Fitur Voice Assistant yang sengaja dibenamkan pada iPhone 4S. Semula saya menganggapnya sebagai fasilitas ‘voice command’ biasa. Tapi begitu saya tonton sendiri kemampuan Siri, barulah saya mengerti kenapa ‘mahluk hidup digital’ yang satu ini bisa membuat orang-orang terkesan.Selain untuk iOS, aplikasi ini awalnya direncanakan juga dirilis untuk BlackBerry dan Android, namun batal lantaran dibeli Apple pada April 2010 yang kemudian menjadi fitur eksklusif di iPhone 4S.Khusus untuk pengguna Android, ada aplikasi sejenis bernama Iris (kebalikan nama Siri) yang diciptakan oleh programer muda asal India, Dexetra.

This entry was posted on 03.02.2020.