Geospatial Modeling Using Netlogo
I am currently working with a model in NetLogo that simulates land-use change in some farms. For that I need to use the GIS extension in NetLogo. I am far from having a model running but I was wondering if the best way to go with my model would be:(1) Using a shapefile with the farms' boundaries and overlay it with other raster maps (such as euclidean distance from markets)or(2) Using a raster with cell IDs representing the farms. In that way, I can have a perfect overlap between properties and the other raster maps.Thank you in advance! I suspect that the answer depends on how you are intending to use the information contained in your GIS files. All I can really suggest is that you collect a few ways that people have integrated GIS and see what looks most similar.
Here's a first example for you.I had a recent model that had a strong spatial component for spreading an epidemic. Epidemic infectivity is strongly influenced by population.
Geospatial Modeling Using Netlogo Map
I obtained population density at the subregional level for all the countries I had in the model (drop down box to select the country) as a raster file. Importing that into NetLogo as patch information effectively resizes the raster. I then had a conversion for NetLogo patch to real-world square kilometers (for each country) to create population for each NetLogo patch.